No Place Like Home by Mary Higgins Clark | Teen Ink

No Place Like Home by Mary Higgins Clark

November 9, 2014
By sandyswitch SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
sandyswitch SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever been in a situation where the person you thought was your best friend turned out to be your worst enemy? Well the book No Place Like Home by Mary Higgins Clark is book about that. It unravels truth, secrets, and mysteries. This book is filled with suspense and the further you read the more surprises you uncover. A ten year old girl named Lisa Barton mistakenly shot her mom while trying to protect her from her violent stepfather and then shot her stepfather on the leg. While the death is ruled accidental, Liza is still compared to the child murderess and is given the name Little Lizzie. Twenty four years later, Liza Barton is back now called Celia Nolan.
Celia Nolan’s past comes back to her when her husband Alex Nolan presents her with a house as a surprise present but it turns out that the house was the place where she shot and killed her  mother. Celia has to face all the guilt, regrets and bad memories all over again. She had made a promise to her late husband never to tell anyone her past but with her son asking her so many questions, she doesn’t know what to do. Things get worst for Celia when her house was vandalized and the real estate agent who sold the house to her husband is murdered and she becomes a suspect. As she struggles to prove her innocence, she and her little son Jack are being stalked by the killer. Would it be surprising that the person doing this to her was the closest person in her life?
Well it is! And I recommend that you read the book to find out. This is the first book of Mary Higgins Clark that I have read and what I know of her, shows that her works of bringing out suspense in a novel. This is one the best novels I have ever read and I know that anyone who reads it would like it. This story draws you deep into its setting and it explains a vital part of life. It tells about truth, trust and secrets and made me understand them more. From reading this book I came to realize that truth, and secrets relate in a way. I realized that truth always finds its way out of a bowl of secrets no matter how you keep it and also that we should not trust anyone no matter who he or she is. I loved how she brought out a change in the characters over time and how she made them look real. I could visualize every single action in the book.
                I also loved how all through the story; she hid Alex Nolan’s real personality from the reader and brought it out as a surprising way at the end. I didn’t like Alex Nolan’s character because he was like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But even though I hate his character, I loved the way it help trick the readers prediction of the story. From my reaction after reading this book, I think that many teenagers can relate to it because it teaches a very important aspect of life that can help teenagers.
In conclusion, I will say that this book is my most favorite book. I know that anyone who reads who reads the may not have the same reaction to it like I did but may have a closer reaction. So I recommend that everyone should read the book and the type of people who would like this book are those who love mysteries and surprises. 


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