The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

August 29, 2014
By RamenNoodles123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia, West Virginia
RamenNoodles123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its a metaphor: See, you put the killing thing right between your teeth but you don't give it the power to do its killing. -Augustus Waters

     It’s a metaphor: you put the killing thing right between your teeth but you don’t give it the power to do its killing. Over summer break I read “The Fault in our Stars”. The book is written by John Green. I recommend this book to everyone over the age of eleven. This book is emotional, inspirational, and a very well written book. Does Hazel Grace die after the book ends?

     The book is geared towards mature audiences. The book is mature in most of the book. I personally don’t think little kids should be reading this book. I think little kids shouldn’t be reading this book because they most likely won’t take the book serious. So that is why I think it is geared towards mature audiences.

     The author’s emotion of the The Fault in our Stars” can be a lot of things. The lesson I think it is says “When you’re in a storm, you can handle much more than you think is possible. John Green went for a sad but inspiring book. There are many events in the book that could make you cry. There are many parts in the book that are inspiring to most people. The most inspiring part of the book is the whole entire book. The vocabulary is fine except for a couple of words that I didn’t know how to pronounce or what its definition was.

     There is a lot of content in this book. The Fault in our Stars” is about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster and a boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel has thyroid cancer and a mass of something in her lungs. Augustus had a mass of something in his leg, but it went away a while ago. They end up getting together and spend pretty much every day together. If you want to find out more about the book, I guess you are going to have to read it to find out.

     This book is a great book and is very well written. I love how John Green could make the book actually sound like it was in a sixteen year old girl’s point of view. So hopefully I have persuaded you into reading the book. Just to let you know, you might cry when reading this book. Hope you liked my review and I hope you read the book.  

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