The Raft by S.A. Bodeen | Teen Ink

The Raft by S.A. Bodeen

August 19, 2014
By Devez BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Devez BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book I read this summer is "The Raft".  The main character of this book is a girl named Robie Mitchell.  Robie lives on Midway Atoll, but every year she flies to O'ahu to visit her Aunty.  When Robie went to visit her Aunt one year, her Aunt got a call from her boss to go to California for work. When her aunt left, Robie had to stay at her aunty’s apartment alone. The night Robie's Aunt left, Robie walked to McDonald's for dinner. As she was walking home she was jumped by a man. When someone got the man off of her she ran to the apartment and locked the doors. That night Robie decided to go home the next day, so she catches a late flight home back to Midway Atoll.

When she got on the plane she realized she knew who the pilot was, that's why she got to go on so late. The thing is that there was a new co-pilot. When they were at least half way to Midway they flew into a storm. When the plane goes down the new co-pilot, Max, saves Robie, but the pilot was gone. Robie and Max was on the raft for several days. More than half the time on the raft Max was asleep. Robie learns more about Max by reading his journal, while he was still asleep. After several days they reached land.  It was a gummy ride which cause their thing to scatter along the beach.  After several days on land  Robie was becoming delusional.

In my opinion this is a really great book. I would recommend it for people who like adventures and thrillers. I think that the way that the Author made the theme was great. That's because the way she made the theme made me feel like I should read more cause I wanted to know what would happen next. So I would recommend this book to anyone who loves good books.




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