Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Leini Fong BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Leini Fong BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault In Our Stars, written by John Green is a romance or could also be cancer fiction. It’s Wednesday at support group for kids with cancer a sixteen-year-old girl, named Hazel Grace Lancaster meets this boy named Augustus Waters. Hazel was diagnosed with Thyroid at the age of thirteen but over the years it had spread to her lungs and now she carries an oxygen tank so she can breathe. Augustus Waters is seventeen-years-old diagnosed with osteosarcoma and he likes Hazel. His best friend is Isaac; he is blinded from his cancer and also knows Hazel from support group.
After support group Hazel went with Augustus to his house to watch Vendetta. It happened that they borrowed each others favorite book, Hazel got the Price Of Dawn and Augustus got An Imperial Affliction. Hazel told him about the author Peter Van Houten how he left for Amsterdam and never was heard since. The book is about a girl named Anna who is trying to deal with her cancer. At the end of the book Peter doesn’t give an ending about the characters fate leaving Hazel curious. Ever since the first time Hazel read the book she’d tried emailing him asking about what happened to the characters but none of the emails were answered. Until one day Augustus tells Hazel he’d tracked down Peter’s assistance through her Augustus was allowed to email with Peter. Then he reads the letter for Peter that he could only answer Hazel’s question in person. Next day Augustus invites Hazel on a picnic and tells her he used his charity cancer foundation wish for both of them to go Amsterdam. Then one night Hazel started struggling to breathe so she had to go to the ICU in the hospital. Will she ever go to Amsterdam?
Get the book! You can buy at Wal-Mart nine dollars and something cents or you can borrow from the library trust me it’s worth time. You guys should read this book it’s amazing. Characters, the romance, the adventure, and even the story itself is too good.

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