Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The book I read during the summer was called Divergent written by Veronica Roth. Roth is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the divergent series. This novel is an action and adventure novel and took place in the future Chicago. The city was destroyed by a war. The community of Chicago is divided into 5 factions: Abnegation, the ones who refuse or deny themselves; Dauntless, the fearless and adventurous; Candor, the honest; Erudite, the knowledgeable; and lastly, Amity, the peaceful. When all teenagers reach the age of 16, they must choose to either stay in their faction of birth, or transfer to another faction. If they choose to leave their birth fraction, they must leave their family forever. The main character, Beatrice (Tris- fraction name) needs to make a decision that will determine her future. A highly competitive initiation determines where she stands and forces her to make tough decisions. There is a secret lying beneath everything that threatens to tear the city apart.
I think divergent is a really good book because it is interesting. I watched the movie but it is different than the book. In the first two chapters it got me hooked on and made me keep reading. After I read the whole book, I wanted to read the next book in that series. I think others should read this novel even though it’s long.

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