Waves by Sharon Dogar | Teen Ink

Waves by Sharon Dogar

December 16, 2008
By Anonymous

“And from somewhere deep within, I finally feel her fade away; fade far, far away into the unknown, where I know I can no longer follow her.” Shannon Dogar, the author, writes these words upon the pages of, Waves. This passage is a powerful indicator of how passionate this book can be.

The story begins when Charley Ditton, a sixteen year old girl, is the victim in what is thought to be a surfing mishap, while on vacation at her summer home. Now Charley lives in a coma. But when the Dittons, have to leave Charley behind from going to their summer vacation home, Hal her fourteen year old brother begins to uncover the past which Charley Ditton had left behind, and the real story of Charley's accident. On the way, Hal becomes involved in the complications of love and loss. With the Dittons in distress over Charley, Hal’s on his own with the sensuous yet sinister adventure that will have you on your toes wanting more.

This book was amazing! Probably the best book I have ever read! I loved the way Sharon Dogar wrote with more than one main character and narrator. The narrator’s voice pulled me in and I got lost in the book. The character I felt most connected with was Charley. Because I love the ocean just like she did. She also is confused about the complications of life and love, as she gets caught up to quickly with a guy she’s not sure to trust. If I were to recommend this book to anyone I would recommend it to all the teenage girls because it is a love story and really digs deep to your soul.

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This article has 1 comment.

shev said...
on Jan. 30 2009 at 2:24 pm
Dear Ms Mackenzie,

Thank you for your comments!I really loved writing WAVES and it is always an incredible thrill when someone finds it special. My new book FALLING is just out in the UK.

I got your letter today, and will write back soon. Or i could email if you think it's easier? Let me know

Sharon Dogar