mockingjay by suzanne collins | Teen Ink

mockingjay by suzanne collins

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous


Mockingjay by Suzanne Williams is the perfect ending to an amazing trilogy. It keeps all the drama and action of the first two novels and the ending completely ties up all three of them. Mockingjay is perfect for someone who is looking for book that is relatable and reflects reality. Even though Mockingjay is set is a future time period and is almost science fiction, all the characters reflect real like emotions. For example, Mockingjay begins with Katniss sad and angry that she was rescued but Peeta was not. This is how many people would react if they were in Katniss’s situation . In the first two books, Hunger Games and Catching Fire, Katniss is flawless and always wins, making her seem like superman. However, in Mockingjay this is not the case. Katniss begins to seem more like a normal human being that is subject to her environment and experiences regular emotions. To me, Katniss is very similar soldier in war. She has PTSD and feels guilt and remorse for all the people that have died. Experiencing these emotions and struggling with them makes her so relatable. She is no longer a robot without emotions; she is real.
One more thing that is great about this book is that it is internally consistent. This makes it easier and more enjoyable to read. It starts off right from where Catching Fire ended. The story always stays on Katniss and her perspective so the reader never gets confused. Katniss begins to form a more complex character throughout the novel and acts appropriately for what she is going through and what point of life she is in. For example, Katniss experiences depression while going through the war and has suicidal thoughts when so many of her loved ones have died. By going through all these things she matures and begins to form a true personality and character for herself that is more complex than previous novels. Finally, at the end of the book everything connects and ties together. For me, that was the best part, because while reading it I knew one specific detail was important and knew that it would be related to an event in the future, and seeing my guesses be confirmed always makes me feel good. There is no unexpected outcomes and everything always relates back to something that happens prior to it. Connecting the dots and figuring it out is the best part of reading Mockingjay. The cliffhangers kept me turning pages without rest, and it was such a relief to finally see how everything turned out at the end.

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