The Ocean at the End of the Lane | Teen Ink

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

May 1, 2014
By Jessicafrat BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Jessicafrat BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Neil Gaiman’s book, “The Ocean at the End of the Lane,” he captured the reader’s attention in mythical ways. Gaiman does an excellent job with creating a suspenseful and magical scenery in a fictional form. The author engages me by connecting his childhood with mine. Therefore, “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” was a sentimental book for me because I was able to connect my past with his journey.

While going on the journey in England, a middle-aged man goes to his childhood home to go to a funeral. On his exploration he encounters the farm he grew up on as an adolescent. He has a flashback of a girl that goes by the name, Lettie Hempstock. Lettie always referred to the lake as an ocean, hence how the book got its name. The book introduces dramatic situations in which allows me to believe humans guard themselves for protection of their feelings.

Neil Gaiman is an exceptional writer who clearly expresses his feelings. The author does a great job with stating the unnamed protagonist’s feelings. The book was an easy read for me because the word choice was clear and I understood what Gaiman was trying to say. In addition, the book was an escape from reality to me. The main character goes through obstacles in his life that cause me to not think about situations going on in mine. The book contains multiple moments where I could not put the novel down.

“The Ocean at the End of the Lane” was not only action packed but brought sentimental value to me. Parts of this story reminded me of a time my mom visited her hometown and was surrounded with memories from her childhood. Neil Gaiman grasps the reader’s attention by giving an escape from reality through an easy read. Although the book was well written, there was one disappointment… That is for you to figure out why!

The author's comments:
I enjoyed this book because it grasped my attention at all times.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 20 2014 at 4:21 pm
BohemianGoddess BRONZE, Burien, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
SPOILER ALERT!!   You mentioned at the end of your review that you felt the ending was a disappointment, but I thought him forgetting the entire experience was important to him living a guilt-free life, exactly how he should have had this strange world not invaded him both inside and out. Why did you see it as a disappointment?