My Side of the Mountain | Teen Ink

My Side of the Mountain

November 25, 2008
By Christof Swope BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
Christof Swope BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Side of the Mountain is a good book. It is a survival story that takes place in New York and some mountains. It was written like Hatchet- they both don't have a lot of dialogue and are written simply.

The book is about a boy who runs away to live in a tree. He goes on little adventures that change as the seasons change. He meets some different people and becomes kind of famous. He celebrates holidays and gives food to the animals and sometimes it turns out bad. In my opinion, the ending is weird and surprising. It doesn't make much sense to me because it doesn't seem like someone would do what happened.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes survival books, Hatchet, and other books by Gary Paulsen. It is easy to read, and not that long. It would be easy for anyone third grade and up. Also, if you never read Hatchet, I would recommend that too.


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