Legend by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Legend by Marie Lu

February 25, 2014
By misskaelyn14 BRONZE, DeWitt, Iowa
misskaelyn14 BRONZE, DeWitt, Iowa
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Favorite Quote:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you failed by default" -J.K. Rowling

In Marie Lu’s 305-paged book titled, Legend, she brings together two POVs of June and Day both fifteen years of age. June is a strong girl who lives the wealthy lifestyle of the Republic. While Day on the other hand lives in the slums and is the most wanted criminal. They’re backgrounds are so diverse, yet they end up crossing paths when Day is on the hunt for a cure to save his brother from the plague that is spreading around their community, and June is looking for revenge.
I rated this book a 4.5/5 stars. At the very beginning I thought it was going to be almost like The Testing by: Joelle Charbonneau and I wasn’t too excited for this read. But once I started getting more and more into the book, the more I felt amazed by it. Also it had plenty of FORESHADOWING, which is done to an excellent standard and always kept me on my feet. Another part that I loved was the last 15 pages. I got so much thrill and excitement it felt like I was watching an action movie. I loved Lu’s writing style of action and foreshadowing that made for an upbeat read. I overall enjoyed this novel and will be picking up Prodigy.


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