The Notebook by nicholas sparks | Teen Ink

The Notebook by nicholas sparks

December 17, 2013
By h18dicarr BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
h18dicarr BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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The Notebook

The Notebook has a lot of feeling and emotions from how strong and unconditional their love is. Allie Hamilton is one of the main characters she comes from a very rich family, but her family has very high expectations. She is admirable with her looks. She has golden brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. But what makes Allies personality unique is she sees things different from others especially when it comes to her love with Noah. Noah is also another main character, he is a small town boy that’s not as wealth as Allie, but he accepts his life style. He is also a hard worker when it comes to accomplishing something. But when it comes to Allie everything is different he is a loving person and a real gentle man to Allie, no matter what. He is charming and adores Allie he would do anything for her to make her happy. Between the book and the movie I feel like the actors were just like the characters in the book, expressing young love by loving someone with passion.
Noah and Allie first meet at a carnival and they spent there time together all summer making remarks about what they plan to do to make their future become a love fantasy that they will want to live with forever, together. Sadly after Allies parents didn’t approve Noah being with Allie they decided to move back to Charleston so Noah and Allie wouldn’t have much communication. Noah and Allie were devastated they had no choice but to move on with their lives. Noah however didn’t move on ever since he still will always love Allie. Even though Allie moved on and fell in love with an officer named Lon Hammond there love wasn’t like the way she had for Noah. Lon is a rich guy and was approved by Allies parent. So Allie became engaged with Lon. But she still felt like something wasn’t right, she still had feeling for Noah. She knows that’s he is trustworthy and she feels safe in his arm. So couple days before the Wedding Allie decides to go Visit Noah and spend sometime with him just to figure things out. Lon eventually finds out that Allie has been spending time with Noah and she confesses she has been spend time with Noah. After the incident she is still hesitant about staying with Lon even though he still loves her. Sooner or later poor Allie is suffering from a brain disease called dementia. She ends up staying in the hospital and loses her memory about Noah. Noah knows that he will never leave her side and his plan is to make her remember it is important for her to remember so when she passes away she will pass away with a great memory with love the she had for Noah. No matter what Noah wont stop trying he will keep trying to bring back Allies Memory no matter how long it takes. He has supported here everyday with all the things they did together and there is a reason for everything that happened. One day Allie finally remembered everything that happened after Noah telling her their story over and over again. The notebook was Allies and she wrote about there life while losing her memory she wrote in the notebook a message about reading her notebook to her and she will come back to him. All this time after Noah read the notebook to her she finally came back to Noah and wants to move on with him to the after life. They believed that their love was strong enough to do anything. They both knew that it was time and they died happily in each other’s arms. The author and the director both made The Note Book exciting and romantic and many people enjoy The Notebook because they can make connections to it with their lives.
I really enjoyed this book and movie but my favorite part is the ending when Allie and Noah both die in each other’s arms. That is my favorite part because from knowing how powerful and passionate there love is, and from knowing what Noah went through to have Allie comeback to him by being patient and staying by her side make the ending worth it. Because I think they deserve to die together so that they will be together forever. This is cute because I know that they will now live there after life with happiness. I’m glad the author and the director made The Notebook ending like that because if Allie died without remember Noah there would be no point in reading and watch The Note book because that’s to sad and depressing, I wouldn’t be satisfied.
Over all I think the director made The Notebook to express the feeling if true love and show a lot of emotion. While reading and watching the movie the quote “Behind every great love is a great story” I found was one of the most meaningful and important to the book and movie. This shows that love isn’t only feelings but it also has a story behind it to make it a true and meaningful kind of love. I also think the actors did the movie that way to make the story become alive and have connections with the reality and what’s going on. The actors drew a picture in everyone one mind and proved what love really is.


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