<i>1984</i> by George Orwell | Teen Ink

1984 by George Orwell MAG

December 9, 2013
By LivingTheDr3Am DIAMOND, Bedford, New York
LivingTheDr3Am DIAMOND, Bedford, New York
53 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Throw me to the wolves and I&#039;ll come back leading the pack.&quot;

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.

Big Brother is watching you.

These are the words that haunt Winston Smith from every building in Airstrip One. The year is 1984, although the Party might have made that up too. Either way, the world has been segregated into three ­sections: Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania. These three superpowers are constantly fighting each other, each trying to overthrow the other and take control of the world. The government – a.k.a. the Party – has brainwashed everyone in the realm so that they are completely devoted to Big Brother, the head of the Party.

But not Winston.

Winston is a rebel. In fact, many people in Airstrip One are in-the-closet rebels, staying quiet in order to prevent themselves from getting caught. Winston, however, has it all figured out. By keeping out of the vision line of the telescreens that broadcast his life to the Party at all hours, Winston believes he is safe.

Winston has allies. Julia, a girl who works in the same building as him, is also a rebel. She and Winston become close friends. Also in the building is a man named O'Brien. Though they've never spoken, Winston knows O'Brien is just like him. As the weeks go by, Julia, Winston, and O'Brien get to know and trust each other. Like many before them, they form a bond of safety.

But they should know it never works. Big Brother sees all. Big Brother is watching you.


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