Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

November 25, 2013
By baseball12 BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
baseball12 BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
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Favorite Quote:
"Stay Thirsty My Friends" - Dos Eqius Man

Ender?s Game vs. Movie

Which one is better? The movie or book? I will be giving the good and bad things that the book or movie left out.
Enders Game is a book that takes this boy, Ender Wiggin to a space program. This program will make him become a better leader to destroy the enemy before they come and attack earth again. Ender Wiggin will soon be the commander and win the enemy and protect earth. Oh yeah, he’s only twelve years old. He has the strategy and mind to attack the enemy and win.
Next, I would like to talk about the why they didn’t put Peter in the mirror, why Valentine? I think they put Valentine because she always was in Enders head. Ender will always have something with Valentine no matter what happens. It was also very catchy at the end, because the simulator was real and that’s how ender found the bugger queen and he gained the egg. Also why didn’t they put that special event in the book? Now I think the movie was better and the movie gave out a lot of good details to make this series very good.
Ender in the movie is better because he is older and stronger. In the book he was 6 and slowly advanced to 12 years old but, in the movie he looked way older from the beginning to the end of the movie. I enjoyed that they did that because it would be a longer movie.
Also there was a good thing that the movie put in. They put in some funny things to make the audience laugh like when Dap yelled at Ender to stop asking dumb questions. That part was really funny because Dap was really dark and tall and made Ender look really small. Ender is really skinny in the movie and everyone was calling him a twig.

I would also add in more parts when Bonzo gets into Enders face because then Ender would have a reason to beat him up. I would also like to see Ender be a small boy and adding up to be 12 because to show more drama in the story and to make the movie longer.

I also liked Bonzo because he’s Moisés Arias and he’s the funniest person to be Bonzo. I loved the movie and the book because it all put together a great story. So Have you made up your mind yet and chosen which one is better? Well, I got mine already… the book! The book gives a lot more details than the movie but the movie kind of added in the last part which was pretty major and it was a big deal to the rest of the books too.

Now Enders Game has multiple books and I think there’s 12 books in this series. Also the authors and directors never did be on the same page before in a movie and book. The next movie they should make it more similar to the book and more realistic. When the movies are being made they should really be doing this. Now that I’m thinking of it, I think they put the extra parts to give people the what feeling and surprise them with it.

Now is what I think of the book and movie. The book had more details and a longer sequence to the story of Ender and his friends. But, the book never added in the last part which was kind of important the this series. The movie was ok and didn’t have as much detail but the book is the better one to choose. Thanks!

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