Tyrell and Bronxwood by Coe Booth | Teen Ink

Tyrell and Bronxwood by Coe Booth

June 5, 2013
By jstunna1010 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jstunna1010 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is a game and you have to learn how to play it

The books I am going to review to you are Tyrell and Bronxwood. I recommend this book, not be read by children under the age 14. Tyrell is the book right before Bronxwood. Tyrell is about a 14 year old boy whose dad is in jail. He dropped out of school. And is forced to live where ever the system decides to put them it’s horrible. His mother is a drug addict and he feel like he is the adult in the house while his abusive father is in jail. CPS came and took Troy and Tyrell, put them in foster care. When his father got out of prison he came and picked up Tyrell and Troy, he had them for like a month then went back to prison for drugs. So he tries to protect his mom and brother by dj-ing parties. They have to live in a jacked up hotel with roaches. Every time the lights go out the bugs come out. They meet a girl named Jasmine and her sister got into a fight with her boyfriend, so they leave. Her sister, Renee, leaves jasmine and gets a new boyfriend. Jasmine is also following the system because; she doesn’t want to live with her sister. She and Tyrell meet when they get moved to Bennett, a jacked up motel with a bunch of bugs. Tyrell is out there trying to do the parents job and, get money for the family. The mom is doing nothing but, sleeping with another man. However she claims that she loves her man. She leaves troy home while Tyrell is out making money, the motel manager calls cps and they come and takes him away. Tyrell gets angry but he had to calm down because, he had already planned a party soon. So he talks to a guy that can help get a place for the party follows the deal and plays at an old abandon bus station. Tyrell beats up a guy named Jamal for messing with his girl; he soon finds out that his girl, Novisha, had been fooling around with him at some bible camp. When she tells Tyrell this he takes her to a room a screams at her. He hears the bouncer having problems so he check it out and it turns out, that they were looking for one of Tyrell’s homeboys. They were planning to beat him up over dope slinging.

In Bornxwood, Tyrell is now living with Cal and he sees troy every chance he gets. Troy is still in foster care. Basically Tyrell’s father gets out of jail and wants Tyrell to live with him but, Tyrell will go back to having to be a little teenager. He can’t make his own money, he can’t provide for no one but himself, and he is abusive to his mother and he can’t throw any more parties. Tyrell and Novisha break up and now Tyrell is with jasmine. She lives with her sisters ex-boyfriend and now her sisters ex has taken an interest in jasmine. He wants jasmine to marry him but, she can’t say no or he’ll kick her out.

The author's comments:
I put a lot of time and hard work into it.


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