To kill a mockingbird by Harper lee | Teen Ink

To kill a mockingbird by Harper lee

June 4, 2013
By John Schaller BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
John Schaller BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most famous American novels of all time. It is probably most famous for the trial. The beginning has some contributions, but it is horrible. My point is that the greatness cancels out how horrible it is because, you remember the great things.

The first part of To Kill a Mockingbird was one of the worst things I have ever read. It is mainly about a little kid growing up in a racist southern neighborhood in a non-racist family. Most of it is just about her and her friends. It has no good parts, maybe a page ore two.

The trial was one of the most famous things ever written in a book. It is a big reason the book is famous. Every other part of the book is horrible. When Tom is found guilty, you know the book is about racism and not little kids.

The last part was the second worst thing I have ever read because it is like the biography of a child. The end is boring to me. In the end, the kids are just playing tag. When they attack Scout and Jim, it makes the end more dramatic.

Overall, I only give this book five stars out of ten. I give it that because most of the book was not satisfying. If it were not for the trial, this book would have gotten one and would have been on my worst book list, even though people say this is the most amazing American novel of all time it is not. There are a lot of great ones. This is not one of them.


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