20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne | Teen Ink

20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne

March 10, 2013
By Anonymous

At first I only read 20,000 Leagues under the Sea because in class we had to read a classic for the year and that was the only one I had at my house so I thought I would read it. I was surprised when I read the book how amazing it was. If you like science fiction it is defiantly a book that you would want to read. It was written by Jules Verne who has written many great books. It is a great story about how a strange monster is destroying ships, and how Dr. Pierre Aronnax (the protagonist and narrator) is sent to see what is happening to them and what is doing it. While they were at sea looking something happens that you can only find out by reading it yourself. So if you find time to read the epic story of 20,000 Leagues under the Sea I highly recommend doing so. I would rate the book five out of five.

The author's comments:
I hope that reading my review will inspire people to read the book for there self


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