The Running Man | Teen Ink

The Running Man

January 18, 2013
By Connor Hinricksen BRONZE, Covington, Washington
Connor Hinricksen BRONZE, Covington, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Benjamin (Ben) Richards is the year of 2025 is in dire need of money to pay for hospital bills for his daughters who is ill and growing worse each day. In a desperate way to make money he enters in a “Running Man Contest” where he must hide from police and specially trained trackers for a month with the whole world watching and cash rewards for anyone who turns him in the game might be harder than Ben Richards thought. If he wins the prize is a whopping billion dollars, but if he loses the game he could lose his life as well.
In the book I really started to like Ben because I can really relate to him. He is a guy who really just doesn’t care what people think of him and can talk his way into or out of almost any situation. He is a very wise and relatable character to many people. Ben’s skills can really make him a worthy opponent and a threat to take away the billion dollars.
There are some things that not like about the book is some characters in the book are very annoying as in the situations of seeing Ben they have no intention of helping him at all a father with a sick daughter with piling up doctor bills. From everything from giving him a quarter to call his wife to just keeping their mouth shut to help him keep his family afloat and his daughter alive.
Overall I thought the book was very interesting and I would recommend it to many people that like suspenseful books.


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