Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn | Teen Ink

Breathing Underwater by Alex Flinn

November 29, 2012
By Jesus Alvarez BRONZE, Northglenn, Colorado
Jesus Alvarez BRONZE, Northglenn, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Breathing Underwater
Breathing Underwater the title says it all, who can breathe under water? No one unless you have scams and is some type of aquatic creature. Nick Andreas (the main character) has it tough, a father who treats him like does not exist and friends who are waiting for any excuse to turn their backs on you, you know the typical popular student story.

Alex Flinn takes a 16 year old boy who is in football and has a decent life not perfect but almost there. She flips his life around so he can get to know himself and the people around him, to see who really sticks around even when the storm is at its peak. Everyone in Nick’s life leaves after his aggressive behavior goes too far, even Nick’s best friend Tom leaves. In violent classes Nick meets people like him aggressive and wants to excuse them. There Nick finds new friends, friends that will stay even when the storm is toughest.


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