Life Expecancy by Dean Koontz | Teen Ink

Life Expecancy by Dean Koontz

September 26, 2012
By kiss-me-im-irish BRONZE, Los Osos, California
kiss-me-im-irish BRONZE, Los Osos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And remember people. You may not be plastic, but you are fantastic. Never forget that.<br /> -Louis Tomlinson

Good horror novels are hard to come by these days. Among those is Life Expectancy. Dean Koontz does a fantastic job at not only exploiting physical horror, but the mental horror as well. Jimmy Tock was born under not normal circumstances. Before he is born, his grandfather gives five terrible predictions of days that will plague Jimmy’s life. Now, Jimmy has to survive these five days and understand all the startling connections that come with each. The story is truly scary but with a pleasant twist of humor thrown in. The characters are fantastic and unique and their interactions comical. Throughout, you see the importance of family ties and how they are essential to survival. Life Expectancy will keep you on the edge of your seat and laughing hysterically. Horror has never been so pleasant.


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