Fast Food Nation | Teen Ink

Fast Food Nation

May 11, 2012
By DerekMooney1 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
DerekMooney1 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First, I'd like to say before you read this it may change your mind about eating your next hamburger. Eric Schlosser gives the reader the knowledge of how our nation became a Fast Food Nation. This is a book that I recommend to any one that likes food and can read. I thought Fast Food Nation would be all about McDonald's and how it was founded, but it's about much more than that.

I like how Fast Food Nation tells about not only food places, but stores too. Although Eric tells about the food, he doesn't talk about the obesity in America and the world. Fast food now days are pretty fattening, but in the future we should fix this problem.

I'm really fascinated with Schlosser's work about telling about the people that kill the cows in the slaughterhouses. Those people don't get enough credit for their job. Working there is really tough and dangerous. A lot of people have gotten killed and or injured working in a slaughterhouse.

This is really grand if you want to learn about how fast food was a long time ago. This book even talks about how Walt Disney created Disney and how it once was a small amusement park. You should read this book if you like to learn history. I think if Eric would write a second book about this issue he should talk more about the obesity in the world because it would encourage people to not eat as much fast food and eat healthier.

All in all, I enjoyed this read as I was learning about the different fast food chains in and out of America. I really recommend to anyone. Now that I've read this book I look at fast food in a whole different way the I did before.


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