pitch like a pro by leo mazzone | Teen Ink

pitch like a pro by leo mazzone

May 10, 2012
By matthew justice BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
matthew justice BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pitch like a Pro is written by Leo Mazzone . The purpose for this book is to give young pitchers the little bit of confidence that they need and to learn the basics of pitching. Either if it is how a pitcher is supposed to keep them fit or laying down a bunt to get the runner over to the next base. The purpose of this review is to tell all of you pitchers that it’s very important to keep your arm in good condition because you really need to do the things to prevent arm injury. and summary of main points
This book is perfect for all pitchers who believe in pitching to a place till the batter hits it. That’s just common sense that pitchers should know. In this book the author talks about fielding your own position, and this is important because it’s better to play with 9 people then just someone who throws but doesn’t play his position and that’s what some teams look for.
This book gets the point across very well. As he is trying to get the point across he uses other pitchers quotes from: Greg Maddux, John Smoltz and Tom Glavine.

So why try to hurt your arm? The main purpose of this review is too getting the point across in a nut shell to just not be stupid and hurt your arm. Anyone who likes to play baseball should read this book even if you don’t like reading because it’s a great tool for some 1 on 1 talking.

Recommend this book to anyone who’s wants to be better at baseball, and having fun.


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