curveball the year i lost my grip by jordan sonnonblick | Teen Ink

curveball the year i lost my grip by jordan sonnonblick

May 10, 2012
By Anonymous

Curve Ball by Jordan Sonnonblick
Fantastic read
And I would problebly give it 6 stars.

Curve ball was a great book it starts as peter entering his freshman year with two tragedies. First of all he broke his wrist and the doctor said he could never play ball again. But it’s not all bad his grandpa taught him a lot about photography before he passed he didn’t get into it though he got the basics and a couple other things.

And I would give it six stars because the tragedies are so real they could happen to anybody and I feel like I was in his shoes when my dad and mom divorced. All together it is awesome he is hiding his wrist from him friend because he loves to pitch but he will never be allowed to do it again. And he does not want his closest friend hurt.

This is my final review
But all together it was a really good book it kept me reading when I was thinking of putting it down because its slow at first and then it gets really interesting as peter hits hard times he accels in things like photography and I thought that was really cool. I could go on and on but I figured you would like me to inform you of how I felt about the book that you have picked out.

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