Performing Artist by Molly Severson | Teen Ink

Performing Artist by Molly Severson

February 10, 2012
By heavymetalking98 BRONZE, Kelowna BC, Other
heavymetalking98 BRONZE, Kelowna BC, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i am not a number i am a free man

Performing Artist

Since I love to learn about people I chose this book which is a collection of biography's of famous people. There are many characters in the book with a variety of talents from actors to rock stars and TV hosts to comedians. Molly Severson, the author explores dozens of famous peoples' lives'. She talks about when they were born, where they grew up and the lives they lead. In every biography she writes, she talks about all the aspects of their lives, from awards to break downs. She makes it very interesting and easy to read with great writing. For example I really like Nirvana and this book talks about the band and Kurt Cobain he struggled with drugs he tried going to rehab but failed and he went back to Seattle and shot himself. Also I connected to this because Axel Rose the lead singer of Guns n Roses is in this book and I think this is cool because I love Heavy Metal and I learned more about him. In exploring each person she lists all the sources she has read to compile each biography. After reading this book I said WOW! I loved this book because I love reading about music, movies and peoples ‘lives.


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