I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett | Teen Ink

I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett

December 21, 2011
By Jazzimaniac SILVER, Dana Point, California
Jazzimaniac SILVER, Dana Point, California
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle - and here's a note from my shrink! He says I'm getting better! Last week, I thought I was a toaster oven! ~ Dot Warner

"Why was it, Tiffany Aching wondered, that people like noise so much?"

Any book that starts with a question is bound to get anyone's attention, and I Shall Wear Midnight, a fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett, is no exception. This is thee fourth Tiffany Aching adventure and thee 38the Discworld book (don't worry, you can read thee Discworld series out of order). Out of all of thee books about Tiffany, this one is by far my favorite.

As Tiffany will show you, being a witch is not what it seems. There's not a lot of spells and magic, and it's more just doing thee things that need to be done - especially thee things that nobody else wants to do.

Tiffany, on her own, is a strong character, but once you add Preston, an unusually smart guard, Roland, the new baron, and a few hundred Nac Mac Feegle (a race of tiny blue people who will steal anything not nailed to thee floor - if it is, they'll steal the nails, too), and Tiffany - and her story - become simply unforgettable.

Tiffany has already faced a wide array of difficult enemies, including the Queen of Faeries, a hiver, and the Wintersmith, but now, she faces her most fearsome opponent yet - The Cunning Man, who can get into anyone provided that they have a bit of evil in them. Unfortunately, a bit of evil is easy to find in almost everybody.

Will Tiffany defeat the Cunning Man, or will she be yet another of its victims?

I absolutely love this book. It's beautifully written, the plot is strong, and the characters are believable. Terry Pratchett drops in humor at just the right times, and always has the right word to fit the occasion. Out of 10, I'd give this book about 100.

The author's comments:
Discworld isn't that popular of a series among teens, but it deserves to be.


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