Eona... by Alison Goodman | Teen Ink

Eona... by Alison Goodman

December 21, 2011
By TaylorS. BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
TaylorS. BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Dragons changing nature, energy world, fake emperor, and a love triangle. There is only one thing that has all this and more: the book, Eona, by Alison Goodman. It has branched on the first book, Eon, where eon struggled to find is true identity. In Eona, the Lady Dragoneye, Eona and her friends, Lady Dela and Ryko hunt for the true Pearl Emperor, Kygo. Along their journey problems arise including a mad Lord, Ido and his apprentice Dillon. Eona continues to grow stronger with the dragons and is soon able to fight High Lord Sethon.

I love how Goodman mixes together historical fiction and fantasy. For example, “So many people dead because I couldn’t control my power...’May the Gods forgive me.’” That causes you to never want to put the book down because it is hard to get out when book ‘sucks’ you in. That is why I love Eona and give it five out of five stars. I recommend this book for the ages of seventh grade or older.


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