Lupita Mananareview by Patricia Beatty | Teen Ink

Lupita Mananareview by Patricia Beatty

December 19, 2011
By Dustinrandall BRONZE, Thrnton, Colorado
Dustinrandall BRONZE, Thrnton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Lupita Manana is about a girl named Lupita and a boy named Salvador. The book is about them trying to get across the border because their father dies and their mom gets money from a money lender. So now she has to pay the money lender back. So Lupita and Salvador’s mom sent them away to try and get across the border and get jobs in California. That’s were their Aunt lives. This book was rubbish because it was boring and unrealistic at times.

Throughout the book there were many parts that were boring and unrealistic for example when they were in Tijuana asking around to see if anyone would take them across the border. Next when they were walking to Tijuana the book talked about that for 1 or 2 pages. Also I thought that it was unrealistic because when Salvador and Lupita got in the back of the truck and hide in the crates full of either fruits or vegetables the border patrol didn’t stop the truck and check it. Finally I thought that it was unrealistic when the border patrol checked the train and went and looked at all the cabooses and found people but didn’t check the tanker that Lupita and Salvador were in.

If you want to find out about what else the book has in store read the book. If you want to read the book go to the library or if you aren’t out of school yet join York International and see Mr. Crowe that teaches 8th grade. This is my book review of Lupita Manana.


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