The Clique by Lisi Harrison | Teen Ink

The Clique by Lisi Harrison

November 3, 2011
By Hannah Smithwick BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Hannah Smithwick BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review

The Clique by Lisi Harrison is about a 13 year old teenage girl named Claire Lyons. She and her family moved from Florida to Westchester, New York to stay in the guesthouse of her father’s old college friend. This family has just about everything, including the most popular girl in the school, Massie Block. Claire and Massie are the same age but they are complete opposites. Massie takes one look at Claire, wearing gap clothes, and the fact that Claire doesn’t have enough money to stay anywhere but in the guesthouse of old friends, she knows that they couldn’t possibly ever become friends. Massie, along with her three best friends, Kristen, Alicia, and Dylan, try to make Claire’s life the worst it will ever be. Do the four girls succeed, or is Claire strong enough to take the harsh comments and throw them back at the girls?

The Clique is one of my favorite books. It is the perfect book for a teenager who loves drama with a little romance. I rate the book a ten!

Now about the author… Lisi Harrison. Lisi was born in Canada and lived in NYC for a while until she moved to Laguna Beach, California, and is still currently living there. Lisi writes her books to where the reader can live the characters lives. When I read this book I knew the character’s feelings throughout the entire story. Lisi is the author of the #1 New York Times best selling series, “The Clique”. Growing up as a teen, she was not in a popular clique like Massie was. She would have loved to have had gap clothes but she couldn’t even afford that. Lisi is now writing eight hours a day in her office with the view of the beautiful beach right outside her window. Hope you read it!

The author's comments:
In my L.A. class at school we were required to write some type of story. The first thing that came into my mind was The Clique. I decided on a book review and started writing. Hope you like it!


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