Marley and Me by John Grogan | Teen Ink

Marley and Me by John Grogan

May 27, 2011
By Boobug BRONZE, Clendinin, West Virginia
Boobug BRONZE, Clendinin, West Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
&quot;I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind,<br /> <br /> Some come from ahead and some come from behind.<br /> <br /> But I&rsquo;ve bought a big bat. I&rsquo;m all ready you see.<br /> <br /> Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me!&quot;&lt;<br /> <br /> - Dr. Seuss&lt;3

Marley and Me. By; John Grogan. Place of Publication: HarperCollins, October 18, 2005, 289 pages

Man’s best friend, the book Marley and Me by John Grogan take this phrase to the next level. This book gives you vivid description of the meaning of having a dog. As you read you will find that Marley wasn’t exactly what John and Jenny had in mind for their perfect dog. However, they learn to love Marley as he is, destructive, hyperactive, protective, and most of all loyal. I like to believe John wrote this book not only to dog lovers, but anybody who owns, or is thinking of owning a dog. He shows the true bond between man and dog.
As Marley grows John and Jenny face many more struggles, but Marley is always with them through it all. Throughout the book you will fall in love with Marley just like John and Jenny do. John just wants to show you how your dog will always be there with you when you need it to be. Even when times were tough between work, marriage, children, and drama in the neighborhood, Marley was there to help them laugh it off. There was a point of stress when the couple was having doubts about Marley, but his improvements showed them he was worthy to stay in the family.
Marley and Me was truly a touching and funny book. I found myself laughing when Marley jumped out the window of the truck and John was holding his hind end while Marley pranced with his front paws on the road. Then I could feel the tears in my eyes when John Grogan told Marley, “I know you haven’t heard this but Marley, you are a great dog.” Every sentence draws you in and encourages you to read on. Towards the end you will see how a dog brings a family together or maybe even complete one. You will feel as if you knew Marley yourself.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read an entertaining and heart-filled story. This book is one that I would read over again. I found that there were many similarities between Marley and my dog Ellie. I know many of you would find your own personal connection with this book as well. This book will open eyes, and show the true meaning of man’s best friend.

The author's comments:
This book really opened my eyes about my dogs.


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