Last Shot by John Feinstein | Teen Ink

Last Shot by John Feinstein

May 26, 2011
By Liam O&#39Connor BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Liam O&#39Connor BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Last Shot

Trickery. That is what blackmail is, they trick you. You can never give in, and that is what Chip Graber did. He never gave in. Last Shot by John Feinstein is basketball mystery book that takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is about Stevie Thomas and Susan Carol Anderson who find out that a star NCAA basketball player is getting blackmailed; Chip Graber of Minnesota State University. If he does not throw the game then the blackmailer will leak out Chip’s grades from last semester, and they are not the best. As the book progresses Susan and Stevie try to figure out who the blackmailer is and why they are doing this. They figure out clues throughout the book and then you start to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Stevie and Susan are perfect for each other. These two are unpredictable and that is what makes this book good. It is a good thinking book. Predictable books are just a waste of your time. In this book the solving of the mystery is thought provoking and leaves you at a daze. Out of the mystery books that I have read this one is definitely the best. If you’re just getting into mystery books like I was then this is a perfect book for you. It is just the right pace for beginner mystery readers.

This book is full of blackmail and basketball. The way John Feinstein wrote this book is superb. He is a great writer but this work is his best yet. Most if not all his books are sports mysteries. The way he writes is books is just phenomenal. I have never been so into a book before this one. Feinstein in this book keeps me going. Once I start I can never put it down. He sways in his readers with his writing.


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