The Wave by Todd Strasser | Teen Ink

The Wave by Todd Strasser

May 17, 2011
By RightWriter22 BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
RightWriter22 BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By Todd Strasser, Dell
Pp.125, $9
ISBN 0440993717

Hitler and the Nazis went from a “were” to an “is” at Gordon High School. No one would have ever suspected that Nazi Germany could possibly return, especially the students. The Wave by Todd Strasser is about a history teacher by the name of Ben Ross, whose “friendly” class experiment goes oh so very wrong.

The whole problem begins with an ordinary student’s history presentation about Nazi Germany and the reign of Hitler. The movie frightens many students but also has them thinking. All of the students thought that it was impossible for this to happen again. Mr. Ross, the student’s teacher, comes up with an idea to reenact the Holocaust to give the students a greater understanding, while still keeping his class fun. He decides to form a club called The Wave that grows from just a few students too a whole army of them. While most kids in the school are brainwashed by this club, others begin to realize things are getting out of hand. Something has to be done.

Before I read this book, I would have never even come close to thinking that Nazi Germany could repeat itself. I was wrongly mistaken. This novel made me realize that small things can turn out to be dangerous. To the students on the inside, the club was nothing more than an addictive game that allowed everyone to be equal; but on the outside was destroying everything in its path like a violent tornado. I learned that I must think more about what I am about to do before getting sucked up in it. Plus, the fact that this book was based on a true story made it even more meaningful. The Wave almost even scared me because the impossible happened so easily. I learned a ton from this novel.

Overall, I found this book really changed my mindset. It is a great eye opener for everyone. It starts off a little slow, but as it moves on it just becomes more and more intense. I would definitely recommend this to a friend, but my only advice is, brace yourself.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the powerful message Strasser was able to convey to the reader!


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 6 2011 at 2:48 pm
Jean16Bean PLATINUM, Batavia, New York
21 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Writing is not hard. Just get paper and pencil, sit down and write as it occurs to you. The writing is easy-it's the occurring that's hard."-Stephen Leacock

I just ordered this from my library! I can't wait until it comes, it looks really good. Has anyone seen the movie??