Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

February 11, 2011
By McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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Hunger Games was published October 1, 2008. It was written by Suzanne Collins who has written many spectacular books. This book is action packed yet romantic at the same time. It will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the book. This book is 374 pages long and is very entertaining. The protagonist is Katniss Everdeen who is only 16 years old. The antagonist is pretty much all of the capital. Hunger Games has many characters that will keep you entertained. The author makes the characters come alive with great descriptive words that make them seem to jump off the page. She really makes you feel like you’re there watching the whole story unfold.

In Hunger Games Katniss is unlike any other girl. She provides food for her family since her dad died in a mine incident. She hunts daily with her best friend Gale and trade the game for different food items in the hob, black market. Her little sister Prim is just 12 when her name is drawn for the reaping. The reaping decides who goes into that years hunger games. Katniss volunteers to take her place knowing it could be the last thing she ever does. Peeta Melark is also drawn he is the bakers son. Katniss goes into the hunger games and finds out both Peeta and her can win for the first time in history they can both survive. Katniss and Peeta both survive and win but at a cost that you will learn throughout the other books.

There are three books total in the series so far Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. Suzanne Collins did a great job of really making these books come alive. I highly recommend these books to anyone who likes action and romance. Or to anyone who just wants a good book to read. Hopefully there will be more books yet to come.


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