The Call of the Wild by Jack London | Teen Ink

The Call of the Wild by Jack London

January 17, 2011
By Nolan SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
Nolan SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The difference between try and triumph is a little umph"

The boOK "The Call of the Wild" is a unique story about a dog named Buck who goes through many trials and triumphs in his life. He is sold by his masters gardener to a sled dog team who experiences many new masters. He is abused by many yet also shown compassion by many others. Eventually he ends up with with what will be his final master who he develops a great relationship with. However, despite this connection, he is always tormented by a longing to be free in the wild. Buck continuously goes into the wild searching to fulfill this longing, but always in the end going back to his master - John Thornton. However, after a day in the wild he returns to find that Indians have killed his master and destroyed his home, he kills the Indians and his transition to the wild is complete as he finds a pack of wolves and lives with them - as their leader - for the rest of his days. This boOK is an OK boOK that I honestly would not recommend other people to read. The story is long and mostly dry and - what few chapters there are - are excruciatingly long. Overall this boOK is very outdated and is an extremely hard read for this fast pace world that we live in now. However if your into that kinda stuff it is a great boOK and if you can get through the bulk of the book the ending is very intriguing and enjoyable.


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