Dont Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel | Teen Ink

Dont Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel

December 16, 2010
By Anonymous

This book is one of the three bestselling novels written by Lurlene McDaniel. She tends to write books about teen, or young love and the problems that come along the way. Don’t Die, My love is a fiction book, but it is in touch with reality and you can easily relate to it. The title of the book fits in perfectly with the overall message of the story.

In the story Julie Ellis and Luke Muldenhower have been deeply in love since middle school, and now they are both juniors in high school. In sixth grade Luke actually asked Julie to marry him, but she didn’t like him then.

Luke is the quarterback for the football team, and Julie’s dad just so happens to be the coach. When the team returns from a tournament Julie notices that Luke doesn’t feel so well. She tells him that he should see a doctor, and he promises he will during Christmas break, because money is tight in his house. When he goes to the doctor they know it isn’t just a common cold. They take tests and the results are devastating. Everyone is in shock, because he is such a healthy kid. Julie and Luke’s strengths and weaknesses in their love are put to the test.

At the end of the book, I was amazed. It was one of the greatest books that I’ve ever read. It is one of the few books that was capable of making me cry. I feel that she writes in a way that makes people relate to their personal lives, which is a great thing. I would recommend this book to anyone, because it is truly touching, and it makes you treasure the things that you have.


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