Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell | Teen Ink

Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell

July 6, 2010
By darklylight26 GOLD, Lilybell, California
darklylight26 GOLD, Lilybell, California
12 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to be lost in order to be found.

I've always wanted to travel places. Exotic locations,ocean cruises, anything to take me from home. Therefore I'm on search, my own private safari in the library to look for fiction books that take me somewhere, let me taste the air, marvel at temples, climb mountains. A book to leave me breathless, excited and totally there.
Carpe Diem does the trick, once the last page went whizzing by my fingers I felt like I had fallen in love with a Malay Chinese cowboy, was in possession of an Angkor Wat-ch, had an incident on the Bullet Boat, met Stick Girl,seen Ta Prohm and encountered the Ear-Nibbler.
I now want a Hanks, a Grandma Gerd, and an all-expenses paid trip to Malaysia, Cambodia, and Laos (pronounced Dow-s).
The main character Vassar starts out as a total stick-in-the-mud whose whole life can be read from a piece of paper till she becomes Frangipani. You will be left wondering what's the Big Secret till the end.
So go out to your library and check it out.
Enjoy! Oh and don't forget to live in the moment (LIM).


This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 12 2010 at 9:19 pm
darklylight26 GOLD, Lilybell, California
12 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
You have to be lost in order to be found.

I actually had to renew the book 2 times before I decided to pick it up and then after the first chapter I was hooked.

Just try it. 

trblue GOLD said...
on Jul. 12 2010 at 4:31 pm
trblue GOLD, Richmond, Virginia
14 articles 7 photos 141 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. It only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother@#?!&* upside the head. "

i checked this book out the lib. but never bother to read it. and i dont thin i am. but i will try it some time.