Ever Green: Boston Celtics | Teen Ink

Ever Green: Boston Celtics MAG

By Anonymous

   Ever Green is one of the most complete books ever written on the Boston Celtics. The Celtics are easily the most successful team in professional sports, having won eight straight world championships and a total of sixteen in franchise history. Today, this is a string of consistency never matched in team sports.

This book, written by Boston Globe sportswriter Dan Shaughnessy, tells about every Celtics team in history. It goes through the championship teams as well as the last-place ones.

The book tells about the past Celtics, which were unbelievable in basketball. It has many interesting facts such as the Celtics were the first team to draft a black player. Did you know in the past that Celtic players signed their contracts and then gave them to the owners to fill in the amount of money? Another unusual fact is that Boston Mayor Ray Flynn played with the Celtics in 1964.

This is a very nice book for fans of the "Green" who want to find out about the Celtics of the past as well as the present. n


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i love this !