Meet the Austins by Madeline L'Engle | Teen Ink

Meet the Austins by Madeline L'Engle

March 1, 2010
By balletgirl96 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
balletgirl96 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"No one can tell you how small you are you decide how big you'll be."

Book review:

Meet the Austins by: Madeleine L’Engle
“I’d never seen such a startlingly brilliant night, the fields and mountains washed in a flood of light. The shadows of trees and sunflowers were sharply black and stretched long and thin across the lawn. It was so beautiful that for the moment the beauty was all that mattered.” This stunning quote from Meet the Austins by Madeline L’Engle is so beautiful you feel as though you are standing there watching the image take place. The book Meet the Austins is an extremely good read.

First off let me tell you a little bit about the book. As the story begins Uncle Hal’s plane crash has caused much surprise and grief in the Austin family, little do they know another surprise lies right around the corner. An orphan named Maggy whose father also died in the crash is suddenly rushed from her home, shipped to the Austin family and thrust on the Austin’s front door step. After a few weeks they realize that Maggy, the poor little orphan that showed upon their doorstep, is nasty, rude and not exactly what they were looking for. In this wonderful tale Meet the Austins by Madeline L’Engle nothing seems to be going right for the Austins from the measles, to stitches, to Maggy they seem to get it all. Maggy is just starting to adjust to the Austin family when she gets and unexpected visitor. Maggy’s close relative who holds Maggy’s fate in their hands frowns down upon the Austins and she despise their way of living. Maggy seems to be changing and suddenly no one wants to throw Maggy to the lions. But just how far will the Austins go to protect Maggy? Now that you have a glimpse of the story Meet the Austins are you ready to hear more?

My overall thoughts on Meet the Austins by Madeline L’Engle were positive but there were things I disliked. One thing that makes this book a must read is its exhilarating scenery. While you are reading you will find yourself transported from your couch, thrown in to the world of the Austins and starring up at a beautiful star lit sky. Another good thing about this realistic fiction book is the Austin family, a big crazy family, feel so real. For example my favorite character a sweet curious little boy is so much like little boys today. If he were to come out of the story into the world he would fit in perfectly with the wailing cute curious toddlers of today. Though this book was very good there were some things I would have done differently if I had written it. I personally like a book that makes you bawl your eyes out, pee in your pants and scream in terror. Although this book is descriptive, it is not a thriller novel. If you like those types of books sorry guys there are a few heart pumping faster moments but overall there is not really a lot of action. So those are a few of my thoughts on the book, Meet the Austins, but stay tuned cause there’s, plenty more to come. Author Madeline L’Engle has a very unique writing style displayed throughout the book. Also she has interesting theme to keep you thinking. If I were to describe Madeline L’Engles writing style a few words come to mind while one word toss’s around lingers and sticks and this word is a very special word. The word is unique. Madeline L’Engle style is a mixture of beauty, grace and description making a unique combination that can only be know as Madeline L’Engle. This author can paint gorgeous pictures in your head and make your heart with breath taking scenery. Also among her talents is the ability to play with words. For example the theme of her book really makes you stop and think. Some of the themes of the book that were really clear to me were learning to love, friendship and the idea that everyone has good inside them. Aren’t they intriguing? There you have the authors writing style and the theme of the book.

Okay now the moment you’ve all been waiting for my rating of the book. But before we get to that let me just state a few more notes. This book is great for people who appreciate beautiful descriptive writing and a good comical family story. However I would not recommend this book to people who love a good thrilling novel. Though this book is good its not the best book in the world (sorry its no Harry potter). Now the moment you've all been waiting for. Drum roll please dddrrrrrrruuuuummmmm. My rating for Meet the Austins by Madeline L'Engle is ... 7.5!!!!!!!! The book gets big points for its wonderful word choice and descriptive language. Even though it gains points for language, it lost points for lack of thrill. All in all my rating for Meet the Austins is a 7.5.
In conclusion, I found this book to be very interesting and descriptive. You will find yourself lost in breath taking moon lit nights and gorgeous sunny beaches. This book is like a medicine it can take away all your fears and pains and fill them with happiness and beautiful places, if only for an hour. Though it may not give you many thrills it gives you plenty of beauty to make up for it. So if your looking for a good book let me spell it out for out for you M-E-E-T T-H-E A-U-S-T-I-N-S it's that simple.
Review by: Lillian Blanchard


This article has 3 comments.

on Mar. 6 2010 at 9:36 am
Ladekeye BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments
GReat job Lillian i luv it . . . and as Makeda said .. lemme spell something out T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C !!!

on Mar. 5 2010 at 8:48 am
tsfunkifresh4eva BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
great job lillian!!! ur review is awesome! =P

on Mar. 4 2010 at 8:01 pm
mgirma12 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 6 comments
Hey Lillian Let Me spell something out for you... N-I-C-E J-O-B!!!!!!!!!!!!!