pigman by paul zindel | Teen Ink

pigman by paul zindel

February 26, 2010
By calebs_back BRONZE, Eitjntu, New Mexico
calebs_back BRONZE, Eitjntu, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Title of review: WOW WOW WOW PIGMAN
Number of stars (1 to 5): I GIVE IT 4 STARS!!!

Paul Zindel has done it again, another great book. The Pigman, kind of catchy isn’t it. At least that’s what I thought. John and Lorrain are some really great characters. The title makes it sound like a book strictly for kids, but it is for people from around ten and up
Description and summary of main points
Written in the late 1980’s the Pigman is a really great book. This is just one of the books in the Pigman series. If you are younger than that you might not understand it unless you a genius. John and Lorrain do some things that will blow your mind. They also learn a good deal about life on their way. Throughout the story John and Lorrain do normal teenage thing such as making bombs in the boys bathroom, and making fun of the teachers.
I ‘m not going to tell you what happens at the end, but I will tell you that you won’t be disappointed. John and Lorrain are the two main characters and another important character is Mr. Pignati. The main theme is the moral of life and that makes this book a good example. Paul Zindel’s style of writing is a mixture of old and original. Like I said earlier Paul Zindel has made another great book.
Paul Zindel is a delightful author who has written many famous books that have been developed into a series. John and Lorrain have engaged in many mischievous things just being kids. Mr. Pignati has tought them a few things about life.
Your final review
I liked the book. It was an entertaining and educational book. It is a good read. I would suggest it to all my friends. I think who ever reads this book will be satisfied. I know I was.

The author's comments:
my teacher


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