Midnight | Teen Ink

Midnight MAG

By Anonymous

   The citizens of Moonlight Cove, California are changing into something beyond mankind. Those who work together get a surprise when one turns on them. How are they changing? Ask the Moonlight Cove Police Department. It seems Thomas Shaddack, Chief of Police, has this crazy idea to convert the residents of Moonlight Cove into something that is part coyote and part robot. By midnight, Shaddack will have all of Moonlight Cove converted. There are a few residents who remain unchanged and are absolutely terrified of being murdered. Some who are converted lose touch with their deepest feelings. Others are living out their wildest urges. These people love having the power to kill.

The four people who are not converted face a terror beyond the darkest realms of human nature. They have a wild confrontation with Shaddack. To all of their surprise someone comes and saves Moonlight Cove.

This novel is a monster hit, definitely a three on a one to three scale. From the first conversion to the last, these terrified people are tied to their beds and stuck with syringes with a liquid that converts them. Page by page holds a great sense of suspense that I really enjoyed. Koontz makes it difficult to figure out what is going to happen next. The ending is unpredictable and surprising. Midnight is very similar to H.G. Wells's The Island of Dr, Moreau and Shelley's Frankenstein. For all people who love thrillers, this novel is required reading.


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i love this !