Sixteen: Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults | Teen Ink

Sixteen: Short Stories by Outstanding Writers for Young Adults MAG

By Anonymous

Review by L. J., Wilmington, DE
   I recently read Sixteen, a collectionof short stories written by authors of books for teenagers includingRobert Cormier, Norma Fox Mazer and Susan Beth Pfeffer. This bookcovers a wide range of topics, from friendships to decisions to love.Each story is written specifically for teenagers, capturingexperiences many teens face. Many young people don't think adultsunderstand what they deal with. These adults write about teenagersand their thoughts and feelings very well.

   The first chapter focuses on friendship. The three stories in this section are very different, dealing with death, an obsession with arock star and a strange tale of a boy and his family.

   My favorite chapter is dedicated to the subject that confuses teensand causes more problems than any other: love. One story is writtenfrom the viewpoint of a teenage girl; another tells of love from a boy's viewpoint.

   Sixteen is an excellent compilation of short stories for andabout teens. The topics cover a wide range of concerns and thoughtsmany young people face. These stories are very different, yet theyform a wonderful book every teenager should read. If you read itonce, you'll definitely want to read it again.


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i love this !