A Hero Ain’t Nothin But A Sandwich: Book Review | Teen Ink

A Hero Ain’t Nothin But A Sandwich: Book Review

January 29, 2024
By ViolentFrogg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
ViolentFrogg BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont climb the mountain for the world to see you, climb the mountain for you to see the world.

When was the last time you have related to a book? For most teens usually never, but A hero ain’t Nothin but a sandwich is a book I believe students can relate to in different ways. Created by Alice Childress, A Hero Ain’t Nothin but a sandwich is about the struggles of a teen boy named Benjie who is hooked on drugs and has a hard time at home. I personally believe this book is great and would recommend it to readers. 

The book is about a young kid dealing with a lot of trouble, drugs, home life, and social life. He swears that he can stop doing drugs anytime but really is just delusional and doesn't want to admit that he is addicted. He dropped his friend and says “everyone thinks they better than me.” But really its cause his friend is scared of him because he uses drugs. And his guardians have a debate about sending him off somewhere or not making Benjie worse mentally. 

Benjie the main character is a very interesting and unique character because he can be relatable to different people in different ways, and you can see his character develop throughout the story. Benjie got hooked and drugs and hated everyone for judging him. But as the story goes on he becomes clean and a better person having a better relationship with his family, truly feeling loved. What made Benjie truly unique was the fact that many people could relate to him because of addiction, home troubles, or even social problems. And show that even someone so low at an early age, can still get back up. 

I would recommend this book to some people who actually read it. The story shows the point of views of many characters, showing every side so you won’t be wondering what the other characters were thinking. The story has a good ending/plot, and is just very well written. With every character developing and becoming better towards the end of the story. The book really gives you a message that even the lowest can get back up.

Like I said before I would recommend this book to readers who actually pays attention to the words on the pages. But If you're a non-reader or just trying to find a book to do some work on, I wouldn’t suggest this book at all as it can be confusing at some parts. 

The author's comments:

This book is really great!

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Luis Castro said...
on Feb. 7 2024 at 8:53 pm
Luis Castro, Sacramento, California
0 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not, there is no try"<br /> Yoda

This sounds like an amazing book. I'll add it to my list of must reads!