It Starts With Us Review | Teen Ink

It Starts With Us Review

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

                It Starts With Us Reveiw                  

What would you do if you were challenged between love and safety? For Lily Bloom this choice dedicates her daily life .Choosing between pleasing her abusive ex husband and father of her child and the man she lusts for .Lily is a strong independent woman who knows her worth but she still struggles with her past experiences with her abusive ex Ryle. Lily must learn that she is worth more than her past and that she can and will be loved again .When Lily surprisingly runs into her old star crossed lover she knows exactly what she wants . Moving forwards is harder than it looks though when your ex is a possessive and cruel man .   Colleen Hoover is once again able to capture readers in this romantic whirlwind that is Lily's life .Titled “It Starts With Us” published October 18th of 2022 this is a perfect sequel. 

The love story in the novel is movie like and will have you falling in love with both of the lovers but what really stands out is  Colleen Hooveers portration of main character Lily Bloom. The novel makes you feel like you are Lilys bestfriend and you are right there beside her during all of these special moments .Lily's character is written in a complex and personal way through dialogue and personal narrative  . Reading the book makes it feel as if you are hearing Lily retell the stories  to you.I for one ran straight to the bookstore to read this sequel so I could get another glimpse into Lily Bloom's world. We get to see every light,lonesome ,loving  turn in Lily's life and watch her feel all sorts of emotions. Colleen's beautiful way of closing this last chapter of Lily's life will give you all answers left from the first novel.

While this novel touches subjects all over the spectrum from domestic violence ,romance and growth it's the idea of ending a story that draws the reader's attention . We've seen Lily and her worst ,struggling to not suffocate from her abusive husband's grip on her . In this sequel we Lily grow as a person and get the happy ending she deserves  closing this beautiful universe Colleen created. Providing to readers from all paths of life that there is a happy ending out there for you.  

.Lily's story was specifically written to showcase domestic violence and that you can get out of abusive  families and stories but he novel can be read by all.Colleens mission with this book was too show that you can get out of bad situations happy and she did spectacular job capturing that idea in It Starts With Us.


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