Forrest Gump Book Review | Teen Ink

Forrest Gump Book Review

December 1, 2022
By 4carpenter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4carpenter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was not hesitant to start reading Forrest Gump because I have seen the movie and it is one of my favorites. But one of my concerns was that Forrest Gump is missing some key things that he is missing in a lot of the chapters and might make some of the readers disappointed because you wish the author spent a little more time on that chapter.

A big thing in this story is being kind to everyone and just being overall nice can make you succeed in this world. In this book most readers think Forrest Gump has something wrong with him or that he's mentally challenged. Yes that is true, he might not be the smartest, but he succeeds by not caring too much. The main message that the author is trying to show is that overthinking can kill you. I keep saying this and talking about this message because it shows in the story when Forrest maybe doesn’t comprehend things very fast or get scared, Unlike Jenny who is a single mom struggling who had a rough childhood that affected her later years.

Forrest Gump's triumph is in its craft. I say this because the author does a good job and Forest does this too, they both deceive their readers and friends. Forrest does this by making people around him think that he is focused and cares, but he really doesn’t know what's going on. Vivid descriptions of setting, The author does a great job emphasizing this by describing the setting in sentences to give readers full comprehension of what is happening. The alternating present tense narration from two protagonists. I believe that Forrest Gump shows many ways a person thinks and sometimes how a person not thinking can benefit you in life, and how the present tense narration makes you feel like you're there and you're experiencing the same thing Forrest is.

In Forrest Gump we travel throughout Forrest’s life and how he started not being able to run, and how he overcame bullies and adversity. Forrest is telling his life story to different people on this bench while he is waiting for his bus. After forrest overcame adversity all he wanted to do is run and in fact that's what he did for example, he ran across a football came and it got him a scholarship to alabama, he ran across the world because he just felt like running, he served in vietnam and ran back into the battlefield to save his troops, he ran a shrimp boat that made him millions of dollars, and last he ran into jenny and realized he had a kid. In this book the author shows how to overcome adversities and never look back. 

If you are looking for a funny, amazing adventure into memory and time, Forrest Gump will be worth every moment, And it is cool how Forrest Gump is kinda slow in the brain and still becomes a millionaire by being very lucky and just being in the right place at all times. Jenny on the other hand struggles because she isn’t very lucky and isn’t always treated the best. The author does a great job towards the end pushing the message of caring so much about how you are gonna survive can end up making you stressed and can lead to depression.

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