Review of All Systems Red by Martha Wells | Teen Ink

Review of All Systems Red by Martha Wells

May 2, 2022
By davidmann BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
davidmann BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
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All Systems Red by Martha Wells is a fictional book set in space around futuristic technology, mystery, murder, and a new planet. The book makes you want to keep reading; readers are as confused as the characters, which pulls you in. The author creates fictional settings and new norms related to a world of mass space exploration. The book is aimed to be more futuristic and have futuristic problems. One of the problems in the book can be connected back to a lot of people in the world today, greed for money.

The book drops you right in the story of the characters in space making you connect the dots of the setting. The main character, Murder Bot, protects a team of scientists so they can explore a new planet to get samples of the environment. The scientists notice that some of their map of the planet is missing. They then try to decide if someone or something is trying to sabotage the team or if it's the cheap company that supplied them the equipment. The team finds out what is attacking them and why, they act fast to try and defeat the enemy.

I personally like fictional murder mysteries; the constant questioning of what is going on and whats going to happen keeps me reading and interested. The book had really good pacing. There was a perfect amount of rest, build up, and action. It didn’t stretch out moments to make the book longer, but it kept you on your toes and gave you the information you had been waiting for.

The character development in All Systems Red was something I really liked in the book as it made you emotionally connected to the characters and what they went through together. When the characters make achievements and connections with each other, you feel that connection too. Toward the end of the book, you worry for the character’s well being as they attempt to take down the enemy.


There was really nothing that I disliked about All Systems Red, the only thing that maybe could have been different was the beginning. Since the author just dropped you in the book without any background knowledge, the reader is confused and overwhelmed with the information at the beginning. Now, this does not become a huge problem because as you read the book you understand the plot, but it is confusing nonetheless. 

In conclusion, after reading All Systems Red by Martha Wells I would recommend this book to someone looking for a good paced murder mystery novel. It keeps you on your toes making you want to find out the end result of the madness going on. The author did not make this book extremely long which for someone like me who likes smaller stories is a good thing. Overall you should this read book as its very unique and different from other murder mysteries.

The author's comments:

After reading All Systems Red I enjoyed reading the book and was inspired to write a review on the novel. Since I enjoyed the book I wanted to share with others about it and maybe get them to read the book. I am hoping that other people will want to read the book from my review and tell me what they thought of it.


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