The Theogony summary + a little extra | Teen Ink

The Theogony summary + a little extra

April 26, 2022
By Anonymous

A brief description of the book’s history. The book was written in the 8th century by Hesiod and translated into english in 1914 by Evelyn-White.  The book starts with Khaos being born from nothing. A short time later Gaea, Eros, and Tartarus the gods of  the earth, love, and the abyss come into existence. Khaos creates Erebus and Nyx (darkness and night) then Khaos just goes to sleep.  

This will be the last time we ever see Khaos again.  Erebus and Nyx start creating minor gods of  the day and night cycle. They both also created gods of  different concepts, two of them being Hypnos and Thanatos gods of sleep and death. While Nyx and Erebus were creating minor gods Gaea created a “son” and made him her husband. His name was Uranus and he was the god of the sky (meaning he was literally the sky). 

Gaea and Uranus started to create minor gods of earth’s ecosystem. two of them being Ourea (the mountains) and Pontus (the sea).  They both had EIGHTEEN more children (no I did not stutter). Twelve of the children were titans  three of them were cyclops and the last three were Hecatoncheires (the Hecatoncheires had 100 arms and 50 heads, they will be important later.)  I’m not going to name all of the titans but the most. 

Zeus’s brothers and sisters. Zeus being reunited with his siblings started the Titanomachy, the rebellion against the titans.  Five years later the olympians (Zeus's team) were losing, Gaea gave Zeus some advice. She told Zeus to free the Hecatoncheires, by doing this, Zeus started to win the war.  After freeing the Hecatonchires zeus also freed the cyclops and the cyclops forged zeus’s lighting bolts. Five more years went by and the olympians won the war. The titans were imprisoned in tartarus.

The extra bits, Zeus and Hera  

This will be how Zeus and Hera got together. One day Zeus got the hots for Hera (his sister) but Hera was not interested in him. Zeus had the great idea of turning into a cuckoo hurt in the rain. Hera saw the cuckoo and  took him in. At that time Zeus turned back into his true form and assaulted her so she was forced to marry Zeus and the wedding lasted three hundred years. 

The extra bits, Zeus and Metis

After The war, Zeus married Metis and got her pregnant and ate her soon after but not physically eating it was more like absorbing her essence and knowledge. 



The author's comments:

I'm very new to this article thing and I don't expect to be good at it so if anyone can help that would be great.

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