Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar | Teen Ink

Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar

February 24, 2022
By LoganHeinlein BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LoganHeinlein BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fuzzy Mud is an amazing book, I’ve read it many times since I first read it when I was in fifth grade. Something about it keeps me coming back. If there was ever a sequel made to it I would absolutely read it. Fuzzy Mud isn’t Louis Sachar's most popular book, but in my opinion, it is his best. I am going to talk about the characters, the plot, and the ending of the book.

Fuzzy Mud has some pretty good characters that are unfortunately slightly predictable, even though they are predictable, they are still fun to follow. Tamara Dhilwaddi is the main character of the book, and she used to have a crush on a seventh-grader named Marshall; but he had been off recently and she didn’t know if she liked him anymore. They have a pretty good friendship to watch and they only develop later into the book. The way they develop is through the plot.

The plot of Fuzzy Mud is very intriguing and shows a reality that is very scary because of how possible it really is. There are parts of the book that can be difficult to follow, because dialogue of a court case is constantly disrupting the flow of the book. The main part of the story is when a kid named Chad moves to their Pennsylvania town and very quickly becomes popular because of his blatant lies that everyone believes. One day Marshall says something that Chad doesn’t like very much and Marshall becomes an outcast in his class, Chad starts bullying Marshall a lot, and one day challenges him to a fight after school. In order to avoid the fight, Marshall and Tamaya go through the woods to get home, which is forbidden by the school, and Tamaya gets a rash. That is where the book really starts. All of this leads up to the ending.

The ending to Fuzzy Mud is a very happy one which I think is written very well. I don’t think it could have been better. There is also a Very good callback to the start of the book regarding Chad. Towards the end of the book, it starts getting really tense at a pretty quick pace. The conclusion, like a lot of things in this book, is quite predictable unfortunately. The whole book being predictable is the only thing that holds it back from being a 9/10 or a 10/10 book in my opinion.

In conclusion, the characters are very fun to follow but unfortunately slightly predictable, the plot is a very good one that is interrupted a little bit by something that isn’t super necessary to the book, and the ending is a happy one that is executed well. The book is amazing and I could read it time and time again if I needed to. All in all, I think Fuzzy Mud is a very good book that got close to perfection but was unfortunately written in a very predictable manner.

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