Ways to Interpret Metamorphosis | Teen Ink

Ways to Interpret Metamorphosis

February 17, 2022
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the middle of part 2, Gregor started to get adapted to his new body and he changed. Gregor’s mental body and physical body are no longer matching. He no longer likes food he onced loved, milk, and he started liking trash, rotten vegetables, rotten cheese. He also likes to climb walls, hide under the sofa; he started to like dark and tight spaces. He is getting used to being an insect, however, still thinks like a human. He wants to clear up the room so he is more comfortable when he is climbing, however, he still wants to keep the room as it is because his mental body is still human and wants to keep his room as usual. He is especially attached to the picture of a woman wearing fur and wants to protect it. His mother and his sister wanted to remove the furniture in his room to give him more comfort which Gregor agrees with. I think this can also be understood as his mother and sister for the sake of money wanted to remove furniture in Gregor’s room for money. During the time Gregor is being locked in his room his sister, Grete, and his mother are sympathetic to him and still thinks his humanity still is in him although he is an insect. However, they are still disgusted by the looks of Gregor. Grete’s sympathy even goes trying to discover what kind of food he likes. Because Grete still holds hope that Gregor might transform back to his human form she takes the role of his caretaker. Grete thinking that Gregore might come back had a conflict with Gregor’s mother of whether removing the furniture is correct or not. Gregor’s father is showing a bit of sympathy by letting Gregor’s sister, Grete, and Gregor’s mother take care of him and not kicking him out of the house or killing him(yet). Another thing is the lack of communication between the family members. After the metamorphosis Gregor’s father no longer reads every afternoon and every member in the family became disgusted and afraid of Gregor. Because of the lack of communication Gregor is not able to tell his family that he wants to keep the furniture in his room and the apple throwing at Gregor will not happen.

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