Hiroshima | Teen Ink


May 22, 2009
By travis mullins BRONZE, Clendinin, West Virginia
travis mullins BRONZE, Clendinin, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: By John Hersey Hiroshima
Title of review: Review of Hiroshima
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4

The book is about a bombing in a place called Hiroshima in Japan they did not know it was coming they was doing the regular routine. They all were having a regular day they all was being the same like Mr.Tanimoto cooked his own breakfast. He felt awfully tired his effort of moving the piano the day before, a sleepless night, weeks of worry and unbalanced diet made him feel worse about the bombing.

Description and summary of main points
Exactly eight fifteen August 6, 1945 Japanese time, at the moment a atomic bomb came over Hiroshima Miss Toshiko Sasaki, a clerk at a plant factory getting ready to talk to another girl next to her and that is when it came down yea the atomic bomb she was doing the same thing like the man I talked about up in the first paragraph.

Hatsuyo Nakamura stood at he window watching the neighborhood fall down. He was Terrified he did not know what happened when he first heard the bomb
He had not known about the bomb that came down on Hiroshima in Japan. The book was very good I like it because it is about a bomb and about the was I like wars and if you like wars you will like this book I recommended to anyone that likes bombs they will like this book.

That bomb was the bomb dropped on a city and it was big. This book came to be a very big classic book and it was a big book back then and it is still a big book if you like bombs and the people that like bombs they will like this book. I think that the author was trying to say you never know when a bomb might drop on the united sates or any were.

Your final review
The book was very good I like it and the book is a classic it is a nice book I like it and I bought it after I read the book it was very nice it is and recommend it to anyone it is good he explains it one by one and that is what I like I don’t know if anyone out there likes that but I do and that is a good way to right a book and the peoples stories are real and good and I like it.


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