Make Me Wanna Holla | Teen Ink

Make Me Wanna Holla

January 29, 2019
By KDOG BRONZE, Sacramento, California
KDOG BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  "Makes Me Wanna Holla" is about a man named Nathan McCall that grew up in a black neighborhood Cavalier Manor in the '60s. When white kids rode they bicycles through to get where they're going they catch them then beat them with sticks, rocks, wood, and even they fist. Until they got tired and couldn't move they fist anymore. Nathan was a smart kid through Elementary and Middle School unlike his older brothers in Highschool that skipped school and dropped out.

   Until Nathan got to Highschool he wanted to be like his brothers and the popular kids that were apart of gangs outside and inside of the school. Nathan started to dress different, talk, and even act differently.  He started to miss class to go smoke even made his own gang with his school buddies. Then Nathan started lying to his parents and started skipping school. When he got older all the gangs of Cavalier Manor got in a war with all the gangs in Downtown. A lot of people died even his friends.

    Then after his friend Bumbo died Nathan realized that he had to stop. But trouble kept finding him while also he found trouble. Nathan shot somebody at a Carnival and went to jail for armed robbery. In the pen, he realized that he had to stop and change his life, So he joined an Islam group for a while in prison. Then made first bail after serving 5 years of his 25-year sentence. When he went back to Cavalier Manor everything changed but not the racism. So he went to college and went to Atlanta.

    Where he became a news writer. He started understanding and writing articles about racism. Then one day he went to Cavalier Manor to write an article about it he went back to all the spots and turfs, He saw young men and the older homies he used to hang out with at the 7-Eleven. So he went to go play dice but the youngins were looking at him a weird way like they want to strip him or kill him.  Then he realized that why people judged black people because not caused by racism but of the way we act in Cavalier Manor because of violence.

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