Rook | Teen Ink


January 22, 2019
By 22ad02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
22ad02 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sharon Cameron’s peculiar novel, Rook, gives everyone a glimpse into the potential future. The world shifted and the magnetic poles started pointing in different directions; consequently, everything crumbled to the ground and buried all that the human race had ever known. A futuristic time period with no electricity, the mysterious Red Rook, and vivid characters all have a part in this extraordinary tale that is enigmatically marvelous.

No electricity, ancient plastics, and not even a clock to tell the time are some of the many things that happen in this futuristic time period. A new government takes over and tries to help the Sunken City that once was Paris. People are now having a new way of life and anyone who opposes the revolution is being beheaded. In this now drab world it is frowned upon to even have an opinion about the revolution. No one can stop it. All of the events in this book may seem like an impossibly far stretch but in this novel, anything is possible.

The Red Rook helps innocent people waiting in the dungeons for their turn to be put to the blade. Sneaking down into the dungeons, The Rook never gets caught. The Rook is recognized for helping the commonwealth people, always leaving a red tipped feather behind. The new government doesn’t know where all of the prisoners keep going so they are trying to capture The Red Rook and end all of the mayhem. The Red Rook is an anonymous, mysterious person that might be closer than readers think.

A forced marriage doesn’t seem like a dream come true, right? Well for Sophia Bellamy that means saving her family’s house and land. Marrying into money seems like a foolish thing to do especially when Sophia’s fiance is a backstabbing jerk. Rene Hasard is a rich man but he has his secrets just like Sophia. Will they be able to keep their secrets from each other? Who knows, Let's just say that their relationship might grow more than readers could ever imagine.

Sharon Cameron’s eccentric tale, Rook, gives readers a chance to look into the possible world to come. With futuristic time periods, a mysterious Red Rook, and vivid characters, it gives an obscure angle to the Sunken City. Overall, Rook was an excellent book with intricate details that make readers notice the little things. Getting to the end of this book is very accomplishing but, unraveling this puzzling tale throughout the novel is the best part of all.


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