Let It Snow | Teen Ink

Let It Snow

January 1, 2019
By TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
TeaOnPluto PLATINUM, Dublin, Other
38 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Let It Snow is a holiday romance written by John Green, Lauren Myracle, and Maureen Johnson, composed of three short stories taking place around the worst snowstorm in fifty years. The humour and relatability in this book makes it a fun and easy read, all set amidst the beautiful snow that shakes up the lives of small Gracetown.


The magical effect that snow has on a small town off the highway brings new and old friends together, completing the heartwarming and romantic holiday season everyone dreams of. When Jubilee is stranded in a small town after her train crashes in the winter weather, she makes her way to the local Waffle House, without the intention of meeting a boy that will bring her very own Christmas miracle. Meanwhile, Tobin’s Bond movie marathon is interrupted by a flawed plan to get to the Waffle House full of cheerleaders before the college guys do. At the same time, Addie is sitting at home on Christmas day, angry for breaking her own heart and facing a moment of self change, all while trying to remember a very special teacup piglet.


Let It Snow is your typical cheesy teenager novel, full of quirky characters and totally unrealistic but adorable romance. This book gave me that cute Christmas magic feeling, and I absolutely loved how all the characters and scenarios intertwined in the end. At first it’s a bit difficult to catch on to how the stories relate after the second story starts, but by the end all the characters know one another and there is a perfect butterfly effect between the teens. The three different authors are clearly visible in the three magical stories of Let It Snow, each story a little different. I absolutely loved this book for Christmas time, so much so that I may even read it again next year!


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